Sunday, January 29, 2012

Priscilla De La Rosa- Euthanasia


Summary: This article focuses on the idea of euthanasia and the pros and cons about it. Euthanasia refers to the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve their suffering. Some deontologists believe that the phrase, "Do not kill" is something to live by and there is an extent towards it. However, teleologists, consider there are times when 'the end justifies the means'. Euthanasia is a topic of bioethics that is a difficult one because it is illegal to kill someone but is it not fair to take them out of their misery?

Question: Should it be legal for euthanasia to be allowed when the people are dying in their own misery? Or should they still be kept on life support?


  1. I believe that is clearly wrong to intentionally kill another life. Not because it is wrong or harmful to the other person, especially a loved one, but because no one has the right to take away another’s life. Instead, individuals should die because their own body wears out, and chooses to shut down on their own. Although no one enjoys pain and suffering, it is only up to the individuals brain, heart, and entire body to either shut down, or keep going-keep surviving. Because if humanity were to intentionally end life on the basis of “he or she was suffering”, then technically, everyone should kill everyone. In a sense, we are all suffering in our own individual ways. Also, if one intentionally kill another based on suffering, then he or she will never know whether or not that suffering was simply a phase, or the actual road to their death.

  2. I believe people should have the right to determined whether or not they want to live or die, under these conditions. Why prolong an individuals life if they are soon to die, especially if they are suffering. An individual's family might want that person to live as long as they can on life support, but the person suffering should have the finally say on their life. However, if someone is depressed and wants to kill themselves, i do not agree with them taking their own life because they can find help. Unfortunately for someone who is on life support, they have no other option.

  3. I believe that every person deserves the right to decide whether or not they should live or not. It's completely wrong to even kill a human being whether it was intentional or not. I believe that nobody has the right to harm anyone's life no matter what the situation is.

  4. I agree with everyone else's responses that it should be a person's right to decide whether or not they want to end life support. If a person is suffering and is always in a pain, I believe that they can choose to die than suffer longer. Families and friends of the person dying should support their decision and shouldn't disobey what they choose to do. If a person chooses to end life support, then their decision must be respected.

    1. I agree also that everyone has the right to decide whether they want to live or die in this kind of situation only. If someone is constantly suffering they should be put out of their misery. Yeah it may seem cruel but it's the reality also the right thing to do. Despite religion I think no one deserves to go through such pain. This would be someone's last option after they have done everything possible to live in such conditions.


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