Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Forced abortion for a mentally ill woman?

Article link:

 This article is about a mentally ill women being forced to get an abortion. People were angered by this, stating that a woman should be able to control what she wants to do with her body. Since the drugs that stablalize this mentally ill women will harm the baby, doctors had suggested that stopping her psychiatric medications. However, that would put her at serious risk and plunge her "deeper into madness."

If a mentally ill person is incapable of being stable without drugs, should an abortion be forced upon her in order not to harm herself and the baby?


  1. If this person is completely incapable of giving birth to a healthy child, i do not believe that she should have the child. If the chances for the baby to survive are low, the mother should not be forced to give birth to a child. This child may live with life-threatening conditions for the rest of its life, causing pain that would eventually scar the baby. Personally, if the child had a 50% chance of being healthy, i beleive that the mother should give birth to the child; however, the child should be given up for adoption. I do not think that the mother's health is more important than the fetus's. An abortion should only occur if the child is incapable of surviving or born with life-threatening diseases.

    With this said, i do not believe in forced abortions. I think that abortions should always be a familial decision, meaning that the government should not have a set law to say which baby is healthy and which is not. It should be up to the family to decide what is best of the child.

  2. I don't believe that a person should be forced to get an abortion just because of a mental illness; especially if the person was already taking medication that stables them. I believe that there could have been another alternative other than aborting like having a family member take care of the baby when the mother couldn't or like Margret said, adoption.

  3. Why put a healthy fetus through this kind of chaos? To further evaluate the situation, we must carry out each simulation. If the mother were to keep the baby, she would stop using her harmful medication. This would then lead to further damage to herself, and essentially the baby. The other option would simply be to abort the baby, but everybody knows how that debate goes. Its obvious that the negatives further outweigh the positives. In fact, it is almost impossible to see a positive within this situation.

  4. No one should be able to force someone to have an abortion, it is always the choice of the person who is pregnant with the child. If she is able to stay off her medication long enough to have the baby and then start the medication again and there is a chance she and the baby will be okay then forcing her to have an abortion should be completely out of the question. If the woman wants to keep the baby then who would get to decide whether or not she was allowed to?


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