March Posts


  1. A cholera outbreak swept accross the work originating from a stream that ran through. Town in Haiti in 2010. Jean salgadeau Pellets was killed after bathing in the river downstream of the United Nations Peacemaking base. He was found laying by the stream immobilized from an intense stomach illness. He died by four that day. Since his death 7,050 Haitiams have died from.cholera and 531,000 plus have fallen ill. The illness, quick and virulent, spread like wildfire becoming the world's largest cholera epidemic. The people responded strong; from all over the world people wanted the UN to take responsibility for its troops accidentally disposing of toxic wastes incorectly. The UN, however, has refused to take resonsibility causing much distrust among the haitians and those organizations trying to help?

    When did protecting an image become more important than protecting a person? What has to change for all societies to value life and human worth over material abstracts like image and money?

    Should the UN take the responsibility? Is it trully necessary for recovery?


  3. The idea of protecting an image over protecting a person is ridiculous, and the fact that it actually happens is absolutely absurd. Society must learn how to prioritize. The UN should not take responsibility for the actual outbreak. However, they should take responsibility for not taking the extreme measures that needed to be taken in order to stop the outbreak.


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