Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Cynthia Kenyon: Experiments that hint of longer lives

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Cynthia Kenyon is a biochemist that found a gene mutation that can double the lifespan of a tiny worm called C. elegans. In an experiment, Kenyon has discovered that Daf-2, the mutation gene, is what caused the worm's lifespan to double. She discovered that certain hormones control the aging process. She has proposed, with this new knowledge of prolonging life, that one day scientists will be able to prolong life. Her experiment was not made to eliminate death but to "extend youthful human life."

If scientists discover a way to prolong human life, what positive/negative effects will it have on society?

1 comment:

  1. A prolonged life does not necessarily mean a healthy life; therefore, although this individual may live longer, he or she may be living with ailments and other diseases.

    -A person will be able to spend more time with his or her family.
    -One would not feel the rush, or feel as rushed, to accomplish goals in life.
    -If these individuals are "good" societal members, he or she may contribute to scientific discoveries, etc.

    -Social Security for the aging will decrease its benefits
    -Population is exponentially growing because the population is not decreasing fast enough.
    -Lack of natural resources (water, food, land, etc).
    -If humans continue to live like how we do today (polluting the earth and such), the world would be a lot less healthy.
    -Would cause double, or even triple the pollution


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