Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Margaret Chu: Gingrich's Views on Stem-Cell Research

Margaret Chu 



Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich explains why he is completely against stem-cell research.  As a strict Catholic, Gingrich is against stem-cell research, a process by which  multipurpose cells of embryos are used to help the sick (brain damage, bone marrow transplantations, etc.)  Stem-cells are special because these are cells that can eventually develop into any type of cell (once a cell becomes a heart cell, a skin cell, etc, it can no longer become another type of cell). Gingrich vows that he would not allow or fund any more stem-cell research, even if the research is done on embryos that would eventually be thrown away.  

Do you think that it is ethical for doctors to possibly save someone else's life at the price of an embryo's life?  Some claim that embryos are not humans because they have not developed yet, while others claim that an embryo is considered alive from the day that it was conceived.  Is it fair to take away the life of an embryo, a possible human being in order to save the life of someone that has already lived?  

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