Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Aerial Williams: Bioethics and Child Testing By: Jennifer Ludden

Ever since 1981, children were allowed to participate in studies that determines whether or not a certain product or drug can be put out on the market. There are no age limits to whoever can participate, meaning that the younger they are, the harder it would be to explain them the risks of the product or drug. In order for a child to participate in a study,  all there needs to be is the child's permission as well as the parent's. There has been regulations from both the Department of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration that makes sure that children are getting protected during those services.

Do you think that children that are between the ages of 5-7 years old should be allowed to participate in drug studies? Why or Why not?



  1. In response to your question, I do not think that children ages 5-7 should be allowed to participate in drug studies. UNLESS, they were minor, and not life threatening by any stretch.

  2. I do not believe children between the ages of 5-7 should be allowed to participate in drug studies. However, if they are testing like a new cough medicine, then I think it is ok.

  3. I don't think that children should be allowed to participate in drug studies because they are not able to choose for themselves if they want to or not. They are too young to understand what is happening and the possible outcomes that can harm the child.


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