Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yuck, Diet Pepsi! Priscilla De La Rosa

Website link: http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/mar/28/pepsico-denies-accusations-on-link-to-aborted-feta

Summary: Basicslly, the second largest food company, PepsiCo, has been accused of using aborted fetal cell lines to enhance the flavor of the soda. They have also been accused to contracting along with Senomyx Inc., which uses aborted fetal cells to greater the taste of their beverages and food. When the company, Senomyx publicly announced they used fetal cells in their research, many pro-life activists boy-cotted PepsiCo all around the world. However, with all the information on the companies, PepsiCo has denied and denied the use of aborted fetal cells in their beverages.

Question: is it right to use aborted fetal cells to enhance the flavor? Even though, it's completely nasty and disgusting?


  1. I'm completely pro-choice, however I would be putting tons of pressure on this PepsiCo group like the pro-lifers have been because using aborted fetal cells as flavor enhancers is just weird and wrong! I am a health freak and one of the reasons I am is because many food producers add/put things in their products that are either terrible for you or just really disgusting. If people really cared about their health, didn't take it for granted so much, and really knew what was in their hot Cheetos, marshmallows, or any/most processed foods for that matter, they would not eat the things they have! I don't want to sound arrogant or better than others, but, if this whole story is true I just want so say: It's diet very un-natural soda what did you expect to be in your diet soda? Natural organic flavor enhancers? This is precisely why I don't drink soda or eat junk food. If you can't pronounce an ingredient on a nutritional label - don't eat it.

  2. EEWWWWW! That is so nasty! This is so disrespectful to the family of the fetal, even the fetal its self! Not to mention we are practically eating a human, especially since it eventually turns into a human. This is so disturbing too because if these companies are putting fetal cells in our foods, what else are they putting in out foods!? No wonder why i do not like Pepis, Coke is way better! :P

  3. Wow, I'm so shocked to find out that they are putting fetal in pepsi! I don't think It's right at all to put someone's aborted fetus in something that people drink everyday! It's really disgusting and like Tonio said, it really disrespectful. Who's idea was this to use that anyways?! I'm never drinking soda again after this. EW! :/

  4. This is an incredibly bad situation for Pepsi to be doing. Why ever they'd be putting that into their drink is beyond me and why ever they'd release it to the world is another stupid thing. This is atrocious how that may be affecting our body in ways we don't even know yet.


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