Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Nuffield Council on Bioethics Call for Evidence: Disclosure and Donor Conception - Kristy Owyang

this article talks about how people are looking into other people donating eggs and sperm and the right of them to know about it later on if the kids would want to know where they come from and the evidence in how this all happen. it also talks about the ways they use to find some evidence to see where they orginally came from, using things from your body and how the parents would feel about it later on after when they are found. 

if you found that your parents arent your parents, would you want to know where you originally came from (your real parents) that the egg and sperm came from?


  1. Yes, I would want to know! However, I would struggle with the idea that the parents that raised me, are not my biological parents. This is so because I would feel like I was lied to all my life and when would they have told me the truth? It all depends too, on how I would find out, that my oarents were not my biological parents. I believe it is healthy for children to know their biological parents so the child has a sense of where they come from and who they are, as an individual. Meeting their biological parents might even answer questions the child had and never asked before.

  2. Heck yeah I would want to know! I would feel like my whole is a lie. But in the long run, I would understand that knowing by biological parents would only make me upset by knowing that they gave me away. But it was for the best and I was giving a better life to live than they would have been to offer me.


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