Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tupac’s resurrection

Summary: During 2012's Coachella Festival, Tupac, a deceased rapper, was "resurrected" through the process known as Pepper's Ghost, or a hologram.  Throughout Tupac's holographic performance, many were amazed by his performance, yet, somewhat queasy.  This story also brought up ethical questions about whether deceased beings should be left alone, or should be "brought back to life.  Even if we do have the technology to accomplish this task, does it mean that we should?...

Questions: After someone does, is it ethical and/moral for others to "resurrect" the dead even if it to pay tribute? Is it ever ethical to raise the dead?  When someone dies, who has the right to that deceased being?  


1 comment:

  1. The performance was actually awesome, but i believe that it shouldn't be used constantly. The awesome factor would definitely fade away. I find it entirely moral and ethical if the person's family would agree so. This kind of technology gives the younger generation a taste of what they were missing. Music is no longer the same, in reality, it totally sucks. Tupac died a year after I was born, and it kills me to know that. The chance to see him perform again was killer. Imagine Kurt Cobain, or Aaliyah performing one last time. It would be a true honor and a great experience to young music listeners.


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