Tuesday, April 24, 2012

New Case of Mad Cow Disease in California

Link http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2012/04/24/us/politics/ap-us-mad-cow.html?_r=1&ref=health

Summary : Earlier this morning, the first case of mad cow disease happened in the U.S since 2006 in California. About 40,000 cows a year are tested for fatal brain disease and the department chief veterinary officer said there is no such possible thing that cows can't cause a fatal human brain disease. The test shows that humans cannot be infected by drinking milk from infected animals.

Question : Would you still drink milk even though they said cows can't cause a fatal human brain disease?


  1. I heard that Mad Cow disease could translate to human whether through milk or meat. I personally would find another place that didn't have cows with this disease. Better to be safe than sorry.

  2. I agree with Alex, if I knew that the cows used to produce a specific brand of milk had a disease, I would go for a different brand.

  3. Cows have been mistreated for far too long so I would boycott the milk industry on that basis. Mad cow is a result of humans feeding dead cows to other cows anyway.

  4. I'm not surprised that this would happen again. America is famous for feeding its cows corn when they should be consuming grass. The corn messes up their internal body system and things like mad cow disease happen. I personally don't drink milk anymore, but yeah, I wouldn't drink that specific milk brand.

  5. Personally, I wouldn't want to take any risks with that brand. They may say that humans can't get that disease, but I don't know if the public can really trust businesses like that.


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