Wednesday, April 4, 2012


This article talks about a new type of cancer treatment called DCA.  This cancer treatment, however, had not been used on humans ever yet.  It has been very hard to get a trial group to test this treatment on human beings, to see if it actually works.  The article also discusses the desperation of the patients for a cure, or any treatment that will work, but they are struggling with time and money, causing them to question whether or not they want to participate in the study.

Should cancer patients have there health care paid for when they are participating in a medical study, regarding all treatments received outside of the actual trial?  Is there a faster way to pass the legal and economical sides clinical trials in order to speed along the process of finding a cure?


  1. I believe that the cancer patients should have their health care paid for when they are participating in a medical study because this study could potentially kill them. No matter what happens the family will lose something, the patient, or time with the patient as that patient recovers. If the patient dies, the family will need to pay for the funeral, and if the patient recovers, they shouldn't be compensated for 'any time loss'. I don't know if there is a faster way to speed the process of finding a cure, and I don't think there should be one because the current process still has it's loopholes that allow some dangerous supplements out to the public.

  2. i think they should have their healthcare paid for when they are helping them study different things in the medical busness. they are risking thier lives in a way to help the doctors and scientist find differnt ways to cure people probably. thye want to help make a difference in someone elses life and not thiers. they should have something like healthcare paid for them because they would probably need it and it would be helpful to them


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