Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Meghan Corbett- Abortion: Gender claims probed by Department of Health


Summary: The article discusses the issue of women receiving abortions because of gender. Some women feel as if it is okay to get an abortion simply because they would prefer a boy over a girl or vice versa. The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children said that this was was an "inevitable consequence" of easy access to abortion. It is said that the Care Quality Commission, who regulate the clinics, need to a hold of this issue as soon as possible.

Question: Is access to abortion to too convenient? Has society made abortion seem like an easier way to get what you really want whether it be a boy or a girl? 


  1. I in my opinion I think that abortion has been made too convenient. It seems like today women are just having abortions casually like it's the thing to do when it really isn't. If a women decided to have sex and just so happened to get pregnant then she should face the consequences. I do however believe that women should get abortions if something bad happened to them; for example, if the were to get raped. I don't think that society has made abortion easier for women to decide the gender of a baby, I just think it's a matter of "I just don't want to keep it".

  2. I don't mind abortions being to convenient. If anything, they could be even made more convenient. As a teenager, I constantly see babies and newborns being popped out. Some of these kids are babies themselves. They can hardly take care of themselves. But they are not able to afford these costly abortions. I am simply speaking of the realistic side of things. Of course I would love a child, but this point of my life wouldn't allow for such a dedication.


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