Sunday, February 5, 2012

Federal rule would ease access for face, hand transplants


The article talk about the recent medical advancements that allow people to receive face, hand, and all other kinds of transplants. Specifically, this will really benefit veterans who were wounded in the war. Body pars such as hands and faces will be part of organ donation, and in order to get one a person will be put on a national waiting list, the same way they would if they were receiving a heart or kidney.

Even though these procedures have helped a lot of people perform daily tasks as normally as possible, has plastic surgery gone to far? How far is far enough?


  1. I think that plastic surgery or transplants to fix injurys are good, but I think to do it to look better, esp plastic surgery is a terrible idea. I don't think it improves the person's self esteem, and I think that they stay self conscious.

  2. Plastic surgery is ok when it is used to heal a painful injury. However, the more popular use of plastic surgery is to "perfect" one's appearance. Using plastic surgery in these means is wrong. The media and other people should be preaching the values inside and the importance of loving who you are no matter what your physical appearance may be. Also, what the media says is beautiful is not truly what is truly beautiful. I am against plastic surgery because it teaches others to think they are not good enough and that something about their appearance must be fixed. Plastic surgery also feeds into the idea that physical and outward appearance are more important than one's inner values and personality, which I think to be a growing problem in our society, especially amount children and teens.

  3. I think plastic surgery is good only for the benefit of that person. I have mixed feelings about it. Sometimes, people are not happy with what they have and only want to make their appearance better, which also benefit their self esteem. But then, many people tend to abuse plastic surgery, when there are people who actually need to fix a face or hand transplant.

  4. Plastic Surgery has gone too far, not in regards to fixing a debilitating injury/defect, but in regard to people that get it done for bettering their appearance because their boobs aren't big enough or they want to stop the inevitable process of aging. I totally agree with Ann Marie! Using plastic surgery to help a war veteran, victim of a terrible accident, or child with a defect is totally great. Plastic surgery in this case (especially when the person is in a debilitating condition) can better people's lives and allow them to live more normally. However, plastic surgery to better superficial appearance has gone too far. It is really embarrassing and disgusting that people spend ridiculous sums of money trying to "fix" their nose or face problems from the natural deterioration all humans experience while there are people living in the world with real problems who barely get enough food/water everyday or die from preventable things like hunger, diarrhea, or AIDS. People who have "problems" with their superficial appearance need to be sent to Haiti or the Democratic Republic of the Congo for a few weeks and then come back here and express the "problems" that haunt them.

  5. i feel like sometimes too far is when someone tries to fix something that does not need to be fix but want it because they want to feel different or change for someone they like. people should feel comfortable in their own skin and not something they bought to change their appearance. it should only be use when for an injury and not boosting any of their aspects because they want to be noticed more or anything. people have to learn to know when to stop and be happy with what they have right now and not change it using their money.

  6. The idea of plastic surgery on someone just scares me a little. Even if it makes that person look "better", it still can have a terrible effect. Some people may have a reaction to it and feel worse than they already did before they got plastic surgery. I think people should be happy with the way they are, because that's who they are and you can't do anything about it. People love you for who you are(well that's how people should be)

  7. Plastic surgery definitely presents its pros and cons. Their are cases in which it should absolutely be okay, which includes injuries that result in deformations. However, using plastic surgery to enhance an individual can often be taken over the top. It depends on the degree of the plastic surgery, the amount of plastic surgery being done, and the amount of times an individuals gets it done. The reason that plastic surgery seems to be so over the top is because people take it to excessive levels and seem to almost get addicted to plastic surgery.


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