Sunday, February 26, 2012

Margaret: "Google to Sell Heads-Up Display Glasses..."


This article talks about Google’s new invention, a “computerized” pair of glasses.  This pair of glasses includes a navigational system, a camera/recorder, the ability to web browse, etc.  Because this camera has a camera within the glasses, it becomes virtually impossible to know whether or not one is being recorded.  Google is not the only one secretly creating these technological advances; Apple and other companies are spending millions of dollars for research in this type of field. 

Do you think that this pair of glasses would benefit or take away from society?  Consider both pros and cons of having this type of technology.  


  1. The pros: sleeker, and slyer spys. The cons: new users looking really strange to everyone else, tilting their head and adjusting to the navigation.

    These pair of glasses would be awesome to wear while going somewhere that you want to show other people, but dont want to risk having a camera out. They would get annoying if, say your snowboarding, and you accidentally switch something out while moving your head.

  2. The pros for this situation would be the following: similar to what alex said, this would mainly benefit those who are undercover and are spies (the CIA or even FBI); this would also be an advantage for the military when trying to seek new information about their enemy or a specific situation; also while driving, rather than look down as a map or the GPS system, one could easily look through their glass lens, provided that the glasses do not blind a persons vision; more importantly, this would allow the individual to not have to worry about carrying a lap top, GPS, or even a camera-it would save space

    The cons are the following: this could cause a lot of accident, especially when driving, or even walking, because the individual wearing the glasses would be preoccupied looking at the lens rather than the road ahead; if people were to use these as "secret cameras", then this would invade the right to individuals privacy; since there is no research really done on the damage or effect these glasses have on humans eyes, in the long run, people can suffer from serve eye damage; the money put into making these glasses could be used for other issues in the world, such as world hunger and poverty.

    Although these glasses would serve a purpose for those who are involve din situations where a secret camera or computer is needed, in general, these glasses are more of a toy and a waste of money. Plus, people will know what type of glasses one is wearing since they will be on the market for sale.


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